1st Floor Invicto House Maidstone
Kent ME14 1XX - 03000 415111
- lowcarbon@kent.gov.uk
- Visit website
Kent County Council strives to support economic growth whilst protecting and enhancing our natural and historic environment, creating and sustaining communities that are vibrant, healthy and
resilient. The Kent Environment Strategy is central to these aspirations.
Low Carbon Kent is a network of businesses tackling and adapting to climate change and environmental pressures. We aim to minimise costs by cutting emissions and maximise the
opportunities of the low carbon market. ‘Upcycle Your Waste’ offers a perfect chance for firms across Kent and Medway to realise the benefits afforded by reviewing what they use, what they discard and how they can work with others to realise new business cases from this ‘waste’.
It is critical that we interrogate and challenge the linear economy in which we operate if we are going to secure a sustainable future for the planet at large. Through the Interreg 2-Seas Programme,
over 3 years we’re working with partners across the EU, to share knowledge and establish the foundations for a Circular Economy that we hope will change the way businesses think about their
processes and operations. We want to create systems and hubs that will turn waste back into resources that can be used within the county rather than shipped elsewhere for processing, landfill,
or incineration.
We will work with our businesses step by step through the process. We will begin by identifying what the challenges might be when it comes to repurposing your waste, followed by a conversation
about the kind of waste your business is producing. Then, over the next three years, our overall aim is engage with as many businesses (and supply chains) as possible across the county, in order to adopt circular economy models, bringing tangible benefits to our communities and those who live and work within them.
Read our folder here: KENT_EN_flyer-UYW.