HLAS – Glasses from wine bottles (BE)
- Oliver DeWolf
5 entrepreneurial students of the University college Vives Kortrijk, seized their opportunity to start their own business for their bachelor thesis. This within the course (Z)ondernemen. Until February 2021 they were strangers to each other, now they are a strong and dynamic team. Each had the same mission, which was to ‘stimulate circular and social economy’.
Everyone drinks a glass of wine from time to time, but what do we do with the empty bottle?
Together they founded ‘Hlas’. They are going to upcycle empty wine bottles into a unique and trendy glass (our range: drinking glasses, beeswax candles, plant holders). With this they want to save wine bottles from a huge energy-consuming recycling process. They do not extract raw materials and thus stimulate the circular economy with ‘Hlas’.
In addition, the goal is to have the production process of bottle no glass outsourced to people with a distance to the labor market by the end of 2021. In order to start supporting the social economy as well.
They are currently working on making the production process safe and efficient. To this end, they have already had several contacts with different engineers, people from the Vives Maaklab and sheltered workshops.
Today, their beeswax candles have already been outsourced to a sheltered workshop in the Kortrijk region. We supply the glasses, they rinse, fill and pack them.
Sales of their drinking glasses and candles will start soon. If you want more information, be sure to check out their facebook and instagram page. (Hlas.store)