Upcoming events
Past events

Circular Economy Forum Roubaix
This conference will take place online and on-site at the city hall of Roubaix. This closure event is an opportunity to discover the findings, learnings and conclusions of this project. The partners from England, the Netherlands, Belgium and France will discuss and present all the Upcycle Your Waste project achievements, implementations, mistakes and failures.
- 13:30
- Upcycle Your Waste CLOSURE EVENT
The city of Roubaix is organising the final conference of the Upcycle Your Waste project (online and on-site on 30th March 1:30 pm to 4pm – UTC +1).
During three round table discussions, we will explain the Upcycle Your Waste project findings:
– 1st round table: Learnings of the project including opportunities & barriers to upcycling
– 2nd round table: Tools to increase circularity in pilot areas
– 3rd round table: What now? How to reach new heights together?
After the conference (on-site – 4pm to 5:30pm – UTC +1) we will visit “Tissel” which is a former textile factory. 15 minutes away from the city hall by foot, it’s been transformed into a place dedicated to circular enterprises.
Register here : https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-bilan-projet-europeen-upcycle-your-waste-forum-de-leconomie-circulaire-568095648377
This closure event will be followed by an inspiring evening (on-site – Thursday the 30th of March – 6pm to 10pm – UTC +1) with several keynote speakers discussing the circular economy and a full day of round tables and workshops about circular economy in Roubaix (on-site – Friday 31st March – 9am to 6pm – UTC +1).
Register here : https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-forum-de-leconomie-circulaire-520397973347

Upcycling Achievement Conference
The Economic House Ostend cordially invites you to the livestreaming of the Upcycling Achievement Conference on Thursday 17 November 2022. This day will be the culmination of the Upcycle Your Waste project that aims to boost the circular economy. Some of the Ostend entrepreneurs among you already worked on the upcycling campaigns. Now come and hear the results of those initiatives.
Rewatch the presentations of the conference on this link: Upcycling Achievement Conference on Vimeo.
Ostend and the partners from England, the Netherlands and France will present their circular business cases to you that day. In addition, we will elaborate on the opportunities, results, and challenges of a truly circular economy.
You can find the preliminary programme attached here. Our inspiring speaker of the day is designer and social entrepreneur Sep Verboom (BE), awarded the prestigious Henry van de Velde award in 2022 (English version available).
The event is the perfect platform to meet companies that have sustainable solutions for yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s problems. Get inspired and discover how your company too can turn waste into a source of income.
Many upcycling greetings!

Norwich Journey to Net Zero Expo
The goal of the Journey to Net Zero expo is to demonstrate that our rapid transition towards a net zero economy by 2050, is not just possible, but is a hugely desirable journey and worth celebrating all our endeavours. We all have a role to play and a vital contribution to make, so let's get together to showcase the city of Norwich.
Journey to Net Zero Expo
The goal of the Journey to Net Zero expo is to demonstrate that our rapid transition towards a net zero economy by 2050, is not just possible, but is a hugely desirable journey and worth celebrating all our endeavours. We all have a role to play and a vital contribution to make, so let’s get together to showcase the city of Norwich.
The aim is simple: to provide business leaders with the inspiration, the practical advice and actionable guidance required to develop and advance their own net zero work and strategies at a free to-attend event with keynote speakers, seminars and workshops. The Expo programme includes the opportunity for delegates to meet with top industry experts, peers and national leading thinkers.
If you think you can add to that by sharing your experience, don’t hide your knowledge and expertise under a bushel – share it. Take a free stand with us at the expo!
The rationale for holding the Expo is simple: the climate crisis is real; the scale of the challenge is unprecedented; the net zero transition is happening and accelerating. So, how do we support the journey in Norwich?

Resourceful The Hague
You are invited to the event 'Resourceful The Hague' on Friday 24 June in the Fokker Terminal to learn everything about natural resources in a climate neutral city.
The people of the European projects Resourceful Cities, PlastiCity and Upcycle Your Waste invite you to experience the resource transition in The Hague. Together the project teams have created a program with a variety of workshops and presentations.
Visit our site for more information and to register for this afternoon filled with inspiration and interaction.
See you then!
Project team Resourceful The Hague

Norwich Business Upcycling Fair
Join us at this free event designed to showcase the potential of commercial upcycling, from the financial to the environmental benefits, open to businesses from across Europe.
- 09:00
Book your free place now to learn how upcycling benefits your business, and how you can get involved. Limited spaces available.
Get inspired to see how upcycling can help the planet, and your business too. Join us at this free event designed to showcase the potential of commercial upcycling, from the financial to the environmental benefits, open to businesses from across Europe.
At the Norwich Business Upcycling Fair you’ll have the opportunity discover how upcycling can upscale your business, save you money, and help the environment. You’ll hear from Max McMurdo, upcycling guru and star of Channel 4 programmes ‘Kirstie Allsopp’s Fill your House for Free’ and ‘George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces’, meet other businesses and existing upcyclers, and learn much more about the potential of upcycling.
Is your business looking for new ways to go green? Do you have a business idea that might use upcycled commercial waste? Or would you like to find out more about the circular economy, and get inspired to get involved? Whatever your answer, come and join us for a hear, do and learn meetup – we’d love to see you!
Norwich Business Upcycling Fair is brought to you by Norwich BID as part of Upcycle Your Waste, an EU funded project designed to help businesses benefit from the circular economy, which receives support from the EU under the Interreg 2 Seas Programme and will run until 2022.

StartUpCycle | LiveStream
- 19:00
StartUpCycle is a unique event where teams will collaborate to create an upcycling start-up, from concept to brand. Watch the teams present their unique inventions, whether that’s a product, app, or something else entirely. Featuring speeches from entrepreneur Chris Reed, and environmental experts.
Developed by Sync the City, in collaboration with Norwich BID and University of East Anglia, StartUpCycle is part of Upcycle Your Waste.

Help save the planet & build a sustainable future for Norwich with Sync the City's StartUpCycling launch!
As part of Upcycle Your Waste, Sync the City—a Norwich startup event—is going green! They’re going to be holding a two day hackathon to build and launch an UpCycle startup designed to transform waste from local Norwich businesses into something new and valuable.
Before the big weekend, they’re asking people to sign up to the launch event to find out more about the project, and their eco-mission. We’d love to see you there!
This is part of the Upcycle Your Waste project which is funded by the European Union under the Interreg 2 Seas Programme. We also have sponsorship from UEA & Langham Recruitment, so that we can offer £4,000 in cash prizes.

Material library
Unexploited industrial materials
From June 1, the City of Roubaix is launching its tender for projects to recover unexploited industrial waste.
To develop these deposits, the City, in collaboration with Zerm, has set up a material library of these resources.
Textile , PVC scrap, paper chiquette, …, bag of malt.
More than fifteen pieces of waste to discover.
Are you interested in exploiting this material or just curious?
Contact us at economie.circulaire@ville-roubaix.fr to make an appointment or come to the zero waste festival on June 19 at the Zero Seasons.

Kick-off conference Upcycle Your Waste
Invitation | Kick-off conference UYW
Click here to see the full conference or view the summary below:
View the workshop of the conference here:
- Efficient use of raw materials in de region
- Presentation of a new online course about Circular Economy
- A mini-hackathon as solution for waste materials
- How to get more value for your waste?
- Designing a new approach of working
- Revolution in a revenue model: A situations in the fishing industry
- Ecopal, synergy maker
IJmond Sustainability Award
This year will be the seventh time that the ‘Omgevingsdienst IJmond’ will present the IJmond Sustainability Award. We will present you entrepreneurs who, with great passion and motivation, have worked to make their business more sustainable, are always pushing to innovate existing techniques and always try to inspire others.
Who will win this year’s prize?